Posted May 11, 2018

How Often Should You Get A Massage?

We’re asked this question every single day at The Massage Studio. As long as you come in every four to six weeks, then the benefits from prior massage sessions will not be lost. However, soothing muscles takes as much time as toning muscles.

You know it’s better to hit the gym every once in a while than not at all, but the real results come from working out more often. The same goes for massage—any previous progress accumulated in your bodywork sessions must be built upon to achieve maximum results.

In the case of massage therapy, frequent attention contributes to injury prevention and an increased feeling of being more in tune with your body’s needs. We have clients who see us every other week and some who come to us once every month.

Some clients come to us as a means of maintenance and prevention but then may suffer sudden stress or pain at which point, they need a massage more frequently. Some of our acute pain clients are actually referred to us by their physical therapist, chiropractor, or general physician. We then create a treatment plan based on the client’s needs, under the guidance of their primary healthcare professional.

Ready for Your Next Massage?

Regardless of your circumstance—though especially if you are well and in shape—commit to your own personal wellness and make massage therapy part of your self-care routine at The Massage Studio. Book your next massage today.